
a. Develop, apply and periodically review the quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution; 

B. Facilitate the creation of a learnercentred environment conducive to quality education and academic staff professional growth; 

c. Provides feedback mechanisms for students, parents, and other stakeholders on qualityrelated issues; 

d. Disseminates information on various quality parameters of education; 

e. Organize inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes; 

f. Document the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement; 

g. Act as the nodal unit of the Institution for coordinating qualityrelated activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices; 

h. Work closely with other academic departments and the institution’s Management Information System (MIS) for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality; 

i. Promote and help sustain the culture of quality in the institution; 

j. Lead the Internal Self-assessment process and prepare and submit the Report to the Management of the National University Commission (NUC) annually; and 

k. Coordinate logistics during external accreditation/ assessment. 

l. The achievement of accepted criteria of minimum standard of quality.

m. Establish confidence in stakeholders that the inputs, processes and outputs of educational system fulfill the expectations or measure up to minimum standards.

n. Put in place a range of procedures designed to safeguard academic standards and which will promote learning opportunities of acceptable quality.

The above tasks will be achieved through the following areas of coverage:  

i. Academic programme: Teaching and learning, including entrepreneurial skill training and e-learning; Accreditation
ii. Student motivation: Staff/students relationship, Students’ welfare e.g. access to utility, hostel and toilet
iii. Examination: Manner of conduct e.g. invigilator/students ratio, capacity of the hall, sitting arrangement, examination time table, quality of examination questions, result feedback and certificate release.
iv. Facilities 

  • Buildings – Lecture Theaters, Classrooms           
  • Laboratories         
  • Library        
  • Workshop    
  • Medical facilities    
  • Sporting facilities
  • Toilet facilities
  • Teaching and Learning Environment 
  • Terrain, 
  • Structure, 
  • Security, etc.
  • Gown/Town relationship, cordiality.   
  • Staffing 
  • Adequacy in terms of:   
  • Qualification
  • Relevance
  • Distributions 
  • Motivation e.g. salary, allowances, promotion, training/development etc

Student Admissions (Quota (including Quota by Professional Bodies, Admission Requirement, Carrying capacity of Programmes etc.) 

  • Staff Recruitment (Qualification, Process, Orientation)
  • Staff Promotion (Procedure, Residency, Timeliness)
  • Curriculum Development (Regulations)
  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Community Service Delivery.
  • Graduation/Certification
  • Academic Programmes such as Remedial, JUPEB, Diploma.
  • Security.

The Unit is expected to develop and update Assessment Instruments and Indicators for the issues above and particularly for the following:  
a. Teaching Attendance Template (Students and teachers)
b. Feedback forms (Student and staff)
c. Peer–in–Class assessment form
d. Course experience questionnaire 
e. Students retention, attrition and completion data form
g. Graduate destination survey form
h. Employers and Alumni feedback form

Quality Assurance Committee is to assist the Unit in data collection and issues relating to quality assurance. 
The Committee is to be chaired by the Director with Representatives from: – Faculties’ Senior Academics (who shall chair their respective Faculty Quality Assurance Units), 
– Representative of Registrar, 
– Representative of Students’ Affairs
– Representative of Bursary
– Representative of Library, 
– Representative of Works, 
– Representative of Academic Planning, 
– Representative of Health Services, 
– Representative of SERVICOM. 

i. Demonstrate visible commitments
ii. Foster a climate of mutual trust
iii. Make judicious use of staff professional experiences
iv. Provide appropriate training and other supports
v. Engage everybody actively and let them take ownership of the quality culture
vi. Reinforce the desired quality culture
vii. Use every vehicle possible to communicate institutional direction 

Quality Assurance is the responsibility of all members of the University and not of Q.A.U. only. The roles of all staff therefore include:
a. Collective responsibility involving all staff and management of the University 
b. Regular liaison with the heads of the various faculties and departments in a non–authoritarian, non-punitive manner without compromising the Standards prescribed by the National University Commission (NUC).  c. collaboration with Dean of Faculties and Heads of Department in an atmosphere that is devoid of rancor, in order to enhance the quality of the management and delivery of the institution’s programmes; and promote and sustain the culture of quality in all aspects of the institution’s operations.